Treatment of Kashmiri protesters in Indian Democracy

Policemen with pellet gun
The treatment of Kashmiri protesters or to be correct stone pelters in the valley is very grave issue for India and it should be an issue in any other country given the circumstances. The basic thing is that their is a very bleak line between protesting and harbouring and nurturing terrorist activities. Their is right to protest in every democracy and the duty of the government is to listen that what they are protesting about and what can be done to stop this. In the case of Kashmir protesting the government is listening but what they are listening is the young adults who swayed away the propaganda and their minds so much shrouded that they are not thinking what is right or wrong. Every other party in India has raise the issue of using pelt guns against these protesters. They are portrayed as protesters who are using the basic right of democracy that is to protest and you can read about the issue of pelt guns here (Pellet guns issue). These seem to be innocent people have lose their sight but is this the question of morality that if someone throw stones and you can only duck down until they go away; Is this not sign of cowardice which they take start advantage of rather than to stand up. Anyhow blinding some one swayed in propaganda is also not right.

Policemen injured by mob
In any democratic country when they are protests government listen but there are no any other country in the world where protesters throw bomb and still we do nothing. These people are swayed but alas here is the dilemma of to kill or not to;to clarify this if a policemen do nothing he will get injured but if he do something than automatically his family can easily be persuade in terrorist activities. I have written a example in the second para of this article Also the personnel of army is humans. In rare cases sometimes due AFSPA(you can read it here Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act) protest can occur. To give example if army arrest someone on suspicion it will definitely lead to the protest and sometime security personnel lead to a violent protest. In last I want to pen down that usage of pellet guns is wrong. Also the protesters are hugely wrong due to the reason mentioned in this article Kashmir issue


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