Opinions regarding Kashmir Issue

Kashmir valley
Kashmir in all its glory
The Kashmir issue is first of all no regional issue but a issue which was created on a belief without taking the consideration of masses. To give you a understanding we have to look towards the past of the Jammu and Kashmir. The Jammu and Kashmir including Pakistan occupied Kashmir was under the rule of Maharajah Hari Singh ji. In 1931 there was an agitation by three persons which were deeply effected by a Kashmiri polymath teacher known as Molvi Abdullah

Sheikh Abdullah the first prime minister of J&K
Sheikh Abdullah
 These three persons first advocates the independent rule in Kashmir and they were Molvi Abdullah's son Molvi Abdul Rahim, Sheikh Abdullah and Ghulam Nabi Gilkar and they were the central piece of creating Kashmir conflict . The Kashmir Muslim conference was formed by Sheikh Abdullah the first major party of Kashmir. The Kashmir Muslim conference urged the self rule of the Kashmir and against the rule of Maharaj Hari Singh ji. After the pressure from Jawahar Lal Nehru ji the party was renamed to the National conference. In 1946 they started the quit Kashmir movement against maharaja ji. After independence when Pakistan attacks Jammu and Kashmir maharaja ji goes to Indian government for help their first condition is to make Sheikh Abdullah Sadar-i-Riyasat; we can see the effect of delays while negotiating conditions of the accession to India that is genocide of Sikh in Rajouri. The infamous Kashmir conspiracy case in which it is deemed that Sheikh Abdullah wanted an independent Kashmir and after independence he is espousing the idea of Pakistan ruling Kashmir rather than India but ironically Kashmir was part of Maharajah ji state and he bestowed and embrace Kashmir.

Kashmir coming to where it belongs as decree by Maharajah ji
 Also after independence the Kashmir was of India and remain of India if Sheikh Abdullah believes or not. You can read about Kashmir conspiracy case here Kashmir Conspiracy Case - Wikipedia and about Sheikh Abdullah here Sheikh Abdullah - Wikipedia. Now onto solving the problem we can several things that is stop all the indulgences and influence of Pakistan and remove the article 370 and improve road conditions so that we have perennial access to even remotest corner of Kashmir. The removal of article 370 lure investors to invest in Kashmir and which will bring ton of jobs to Kashmiri youth and the people who are indulge in separatist activities for money will be reduced. The records from the times of Maharaja ji should be given to U.N to show them which state does India take over and they will automatically know that who is occupying force. Divide Jammu and Kashmir into three parts to improve the adminstrative services which need article 370 to be removed which is one thing near to impossible. 


  1. Erdogan the Ottoman links Gallipolli to Kashmir


    And then there are the Arabs who support the Hindoo worms in Kashmir and build Hindu temples in Arab lands and invite kaffirs and the Hindoo vermin PM to innaugrate the temples !

    The Kashmir Genocide – dindooohindoo

    The Ruling political dispensation of India (Hindoosthan) is a front of the RSS (a quasi wanna be Nazi party).The RSS in its documented history and intellectual posits has admired and co-opted and co-owned Hitler – not merely as a Role Model – but as a Kalki Avatar – or an Avatar of Vishnoo – the Hindoo God !

    The SS part of the RSS is a lift from the Nazi SS and the “R” stands for “Rats”

    The RSS is infested by the vermins of the Brahmin/Bania/Kayastha triad – which represent the priestly and trading classes of Hindoosthan who never fought a war for their nation – but incited the same and also carried out the largest unknown genocide in History – that of the Buddhists

    The Bhagwad Gita JUSTIFIES genocide, w/o remorse,guilt and WITH DIVINE SANCTION.The Indian Military and Para Military,is a race of criminal mercenaries called Kshatriyas – who were the offspring of rapes by the Huns,Mongols,Sakas, Scythians,Persians, Parthinians,Greeks 1500-2000 years ago.They were discarded by their races and interbred and were treated as outcastes for centuries – until the Brahmins co-opted them as criminal mass murderers (around 1000 years ago) – and who are now in Kashmir !

    Nazis are on record JUSTIFYING their actions based on the thesis of the Bhagwad Gita explained in this note.

    History Records that the Nazis were ALSO inspired by the Gita, per se


    Why the “Nazis and Hitler and Himmler”, love the Gita

    “Dindoo Hindoo Bindoo Gandoos” consider “Hitler to be a Vishnoo Avatar”

    When Krishna the Bhagvat was fed up rying to explain to “Arjuna the – why he “needed to exterminate his foes” – this was the “last attempt” in the 18th Chapter of the Gita – the logic is as under :

    Lumen Naturale 1 – There are “5 precedents to sense-perception and action”

    मूल श्लोकः
    शरीरवाङ्मनोभिर्यत्कर्म प्रारभते नरः।
    न्याय्यं वा विपरीतं वा पञ्चैते तस्य हेतवः।।18.15।।

    18.14 The locus as also the agent, the different kinds of organs, the many and distinct activities, and, the “divine is here the fifth”.

    Lumen Naturale 2 – There “5 are causes of all action” and are “independent of the mind and body dualism” of Descartes and “also the Soul “!

    मूल श्लोकः
    यस्य नाहंकृतो भावो बुद्धिर्यस्य न लिप्यते।
    हत्वापि स इमाँल्लोकान्न हन्ति न निबध्यते।।18.17।।

    18.15 For whatever action a man undertakes by his body, speech and mind, whether right or wrong,i.e., enjoined or forbidden by the Sastras, “the following five”, are its causes:

    Lumen Naturale 3 – Hence,you can “kill,murder and rape” – provided it is done with “no ego and no feelings “- for it is the “Act of the Divine” ! Just like the Nazis ! “Heil Krishna,the Bhagwat “!

    मूल श्लोकः
    अधिष्ठानं तथा कर्ता करणं च पृथग्विधम्।
    विविधाश्च पृथक्चेष्टा दैवं चैवात्र पञ्चमम्।।18.14।।

    18.17 He who has not the “feeling of egoism”, whose intellect is not tainted, he does not kill, nor does he become bound-“even by killing these creatures” !

  2. The Parashooran Paradox

    What is the "Paradox of Parshooram" ? The man copulated wuth his mother,on the instructions of his father - who was an impotentica sage.The Hindoo Model,is that the Gods sent the husband of Brahmin wives,to jungles for penance and austerities - while the Hindoo Gods, seduced the wives of the Brahmins,and mated with them.

    The father of Parshooram,did not want to mate iwth his wife,as he was on a celibacy trip.Hence his son banged mommy - but the Kshatriyas saw the kid.To hide the shame and guilt - the son and poppy,blamed the Kshatriyas - and theh killed all the Kshatriyas ! In Hindooism,incest is normal - even Gan-pati mated with his mother.

    This is all a "copy and paste",from Greek Theology and Creativity.dindooohindoo

    Net result - all the Kshatriya men were dead, and their women were on heat - and so,they copulated with the Brahmins,to breed a "new race" of Kshatriyas.These "mew" breed had the DNA of the Brahmins (cowards,weasels and impotenticas) and the DNA of their mothers (which is "whoring") - the "born agains" Kshatriyas.

    The Disaster

    When the Sakas,Scythians,Turks,Afghans,Mongols,Central Asians,Greeks,Persians, Abyssinians etc., attacked Hindoosthan - there was no martial race left,as the "real" so called Kshatriyas were killed.These Kshatriya cowards,joined hands with Babar and the Brits and the Portugese to kill and rape Hindoos.These "rat" Kshatriyas were called Rakpoots,Jats and Sikhs etc.

    The DNA of these "born again" Kshatriyas (as stated above),explains Y the Hindoos were raped again and again and again and again (The DNA of Poppy - The Brahmin - and so were,their women.This also explains Y the Rajpoots sold their women,like whores,to the Mughals and the Brits - to save their lives and money (The DNA of their 1st mommy).

    This also explains Y the Sakas,Scythians,Turks,Afghans,Mongols, Greeks,Persians, Abyssinians etc.,who stayed back in Hindoosthan,and married locals - also produced cowards,weasels,idiots and impotenticas.

    The Curse

    It is all the curse of Parshooram - the Curse of Incest and the Curse of Hindooism. Just like the curse of Ishvaku - whose own kids from the same mommy married each other - and then lineaged into Rama,the coward and impotentica.

    Rama - captures the disaster the doom of the Hindoo race,and the Hindoo DNA - which is Y the Hindoo Muslims and Nassara,are treated as trash,all over the world - with real Muslims and Jesuits.

  3. False Flags by the Hindoo state in IOK - Part 2

    This is also a false flag,as the dead bodies are those of wimps killed in military exercises or firing ranges of accidental discharges/explosions.Immediately, after the fake killing, the Indian media starts hyper-vitriol-ling,and then,the Indian Army gets some dead bodies of Kashmiris (killed in torture),and passes them off,as terrorists,killed in revenge.dindooohindoo

    The Post mortem report of the Indian army is not available to the public - along with the videos of the post mortem - as that will blow apart the bogus story.On top of that the Indian Army,also uses the AK-47 !

    Another innovation of the Indian,is that the dead bodies decomposed (in the snow !) or were eaten by animals,or were disfigured by the Pakistanis ! This is also done by the Indian state, to ensure that the family DOES NOT SEE THE FACE or the DEAD BODY,of the soldiers.

    This completes the false flag - and it is a juvenile methodology (Made By Israel),but it works,as Indians and the Indian Media,are Duds and Dullards.

    Y not Delhi and Mumbai

    No one asks - Y can the Pakistani state not do the "so called terror attacks",in Delhi or Mumbai ? It is simple ! False Flag attacks cannot be done in Delhi and Mumbai -as there are 40 million witnesses !

    That is Y the 26/11 false flag did not recur - and all the police officers - who led the Indian military assault,were killed,at close range,and their post mortem reports are an "unknown quantity".

    Y Indians do these antics

    Besides the 1.2 billion Indian Duds - no one else believes the Indian Cinderella stories.So Y do they do it ?

    The Chrono-metrics

    The timing of the dubious false flags,by the Indians,are coordinated with the following Chronologies,related to the Pakistani state,listed as under :

    FATF Meetings and decisions - for interim or other relief,to the Pakistani state
    UNSC/OIC /GCC meetings - for anti-pakistan resolutions,or declaring someone a terrorist Polls In India - Pre-election period in India - if the state wants to turn the tide
    US Senate hearings - for anti-pakistan resolutions or declaring someone a terrorist,or castigating the Kashmiri freedom struggle
    UNHRC reports and hearings - same as above
    UN Observer meetings and reports in Kashmir - to create disturbances,to obviate the meetings and reports
    IMF and WB aid meetings - To ensure that Pakistan gets no aid,or no relief,in the aid terms
    Saudi/Kuwait/Turkish/Malaysian aid and trips to Pakistan - same as above
    CPEC financial and technical closure dates - to ensure that the political and financial risk,of the project is imperiled

    If you map the above chronology,with the dates of the "false flag attacks" - they will just precede the chronology,by a maximum of 21 days - just,as a matter of pure providence.

    Naturally,all the plans of the Indians have failed - the Kashmiris of IOK and AK,are mortal enemies of the Indians - and a new axis of Pakistan-PRC-Turkey,has been formed.In due course,it will be joined by Russia,and perhaps the Saudis.


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