Opinions regarding muscular policy in Kashmir

Army giving books to Kashmiri children
Army school chalo program
The muscular policy is not a great step in Jammu and Kashmir. It always makes easier for the terrorist groups to brain wash young people that they are actually in war. Indian army has its own fair share of wrongdoings but army has paid for it but these details are always in shadow from Kashmiri people. To give example most of the Kashmiri students have been studied in army schools. Army is helping in the local business; according to daily excelsior (http://www.dailyexcelsior.com/armys-role-in-development-of-jammu-and-kashmir/) 33,000 liters of milk has been purchased by Indian army and army is vital for Kashmiri infrastructure development.

Army during operations

In recent times muscular policy is not viable option but due to the circumstances it is the only option. People from time to time have been tried to make them understand the privilege of living in India but they take these privileges as gift which they can throw away any time but no there is difference between giving privilege and freedom. We have announced suspension of operations and Bukhari Sahab was shot multiple times. The man of peace was shot down how can any country tolerate this so that why it has been became a necessity of time to show them that no their is no place for blood or stone. Also we will never leave you in difficult times but never spare you if you brought difficulty to us.


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