The consequences of removal of article 35a

The article 35A is recently in the court for its validity and constitutionality. As I have explained in my earlier articles that article 35A in a way extends the citizenship of India to the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. It is by the law that this article statues certain laws and conditions over whom is the citizen of Jammu and Kashmir and how is the citizen of Jammu and Kashmir is related to India. The challenging of this article might bring a constitutional crisis in the state. The petitioners and all the right wing politicians just started to against this law even once thinking that what might be the consequences of that. The biggest challenge to the article 35a is that it is not democratically inducted into the constitution and hence therefore it is null and void. This article in fact in the purest sense extended the citizenship of India to the permanent resident of the Jammu and Kashmir. The biggest question which will be asked if the removal of this article takes place is that after its removal will the permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir will be still the citizen of India. This question is the one which we want ask every right wing politician which is opposing this article with every hook and crook. The alacrity in these right wing politicians to remove this provision is of like 5 years old wanting to have some chocolate. This provision also defines the land rights and who is able to buy the property in the state. It also defines that who can get state jobs, scholarships and education in the state. The biggest idiocy which is formed by these right wing extremist is that everybody can buy the land in the state. The formation of this article took place in 1954 and I have already explained that what this article means in this post Article 35A. Removal of article 35A will ensue chaos and war in the valley. It is basically like tampering with the identity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. In the root sense of the article 35A is formed just to bring India and Jammu and Kashmir closer together. After scraping depths of every article formed on this provision nobody has even talked about the consequences of the people of Jammu and Kashmir; what will happen to them and where will we go. The Supreme court should have dialogue with the people of the valley and ensure every single Kashmiri, Dogra and Ladakhi person that we will not be stripped of our Indian citizenship. It is actually should be removed to be only constitutionally integrate into the constitution of India. Also I do here acknowledge that is article has been discriminatory against women and that should also be rectified when it is reintegrated into the Indian constitution. The provision, that only permanent residents of the state can invest in the land assets of the state should also be removed. According to my opinion this way we can avoid locking horns with people of the state because we need this article with some modification. The complete removal or leaving it as it is will bring no good to the state and latter will be more disastrous. Article 35A is a medium through which we the people of Jammu and Kashmir say that we are Indians and there are discriminatory provisions in this article which shall be removed. It is just plain absurd to invite the chaos in the valley and giving separatist and Jihadists to give a cause which they can lure other young Kashmiris to fight for which will give rise to a new wave of terrorism in valley. 


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