Article 35A; its misconceptions and opinions

The article 35A is a peculiar amendment in the constitution of India. It grants special status to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. It is inducted in the constitution by the decree of president order in in 1954. The article 35A is in concurrence with article 370. After the instrument of ascension was signed by the government of Jammu and Kashmir the article 370 was formed and maharajah ji ceded defence,external affairs and communications departments to the government of India. The article 35A is formed to give the citizenship of India to all of the state resident. The government of Jammu and Kashmir still has the power to revoke the rights and privileges of its citizens. This article formed the particular conditions on which a person can live in the Jammu and Kashmir and attains its residence.
Flag of Jammu and Kashmir
The flag of Jammu and Kashmir
The practical consequences of article 35A as living in the state is that no one can migrate to Jammu and Kashmir to settle here. The thing is no outsider of the state can buy immovable land or property here unless he is from Jammu and Kashmir. The state has serious lack of infrastructure due to this and the article 370. The state has a very few number of people from outside of the state and most of the youth is leaving the state from better job opportunities. Every resident of the Jammu and Kashmir is considered as dual citizen i.e. it is the resident of Jammu and Kashmir and India also but no resident of India is considered as resident of Jammu and Kashmir as until and unless it satisfies the conditions mentioned in article 35A. It is virtually impossible to satisfy these conditions as'Permanent Resident (PR) of the state as a person who was a state subject on May 14, 1954, or who has been a resident of the state for 10 years, and has lawfully acquired immovable property in the state' and no outsider of the state can acquire property in Jammu and Kashmir. I think it is the biggest hypocrisy of the state that it can take everything from central government but cannot provide space for its residents.


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