Why youth of Kashmir is becoming stone pelters and accomplice to militants

Stone pelter in Kashmir
Kashmir youth in clash with local police
The kashmiri youth becoming the notorious stone pelters in Kashmir is one of the biggest problems in Kashmir. These are the kids who are exploited by the militants and jihadist groups to help the militants. I have repeatedly said that when they are not stone pelters than they are youth but when they pick up stones they have picked up a mindset of a militant. It can lead to fatal consequences for them. They are no longer the youth of Kashmir but they are the persons who are assisting the militants and hence becoming themselves like these people.  This is a grave problem which has to be stopped by the Indian army.

Army recruitment in Kashmir
Kashmiri youth taking part in army selection process
The most despicable thing in the Kashmir valley is that illiteracy and militancy has direct links. According to the district wise literacy rate of Jammu and Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir literacy ratePulwama, Badgam, Anantanag, Kulgam, Shopian and Bandipore has low literacy rate (not 
the lowest rate in the state but in the valley). Accordingly these states have high rate of militancy and 
Pulwama begin the hotspot of militant activities (pulwama synonymous with militancy). The kashmiri 
government can only do three things to stop militancy and making of youth into the militants that is; stop 
pakistani influence in kashmir, educate the youth and give the educated youth a proper job which is suitable 
for him. No one is stone pelter  or militant or destined to be one of either but the infinite variables of poverty,
illiteracy and radicalisation makes him to be and it can be stopped but very few can comeback if they became 
an enemy of the humanity. These separatist groups handover stones in the hands of youth rather than pen and books. 
Ironically Kashmir has lowest poverty rate because army personnel living in valley represent a different kind of tourist. 
According to times of India article Military reduce poverty the Army is one of the biggest consumer of the agricultural 
produce in Kashmir so these people just need education to dissuade them from this path and show them the reality of 
separatist powers


  1. The Kashmir Genocide

    Y the evisceral hate of the Kashmiris by the Hindoos ? They are not Indians by DNA,Race or Religion. Is it the white skin complex or the fact that the ancestors of the Kashmiris pillaged Hindoosthan and also raped/ravished Hindoo women and destroyed Satanic Hindoo Temples and Idols ? dindooohindoo

    What is wrong with destroying Hindoo Temples and Idols or bombing them ? It was done by Moses,Abraham,Jesus,John the Baptist ,Prophet of Islam,Gobind Singh etc.Ghazni and his tribes just followed the path of the prophets !

    And what is wrong with raping Hindoo women (wives of Brahmins/ Banias etc.)? Hindoo Gods raped Hindoo women and wives of Brahmins all the time ! In reality - the Mughals fertilised the Indian race and created a new race - one which the Indians consider to be a martial hindoo race.

    Y is there a lack of intellectual defense among Islamists of the so called ravishing of the Hindoo Frigid Vaginas by the Mongols, Afghans and Mughals ?

    It is what they deserved ! The Hindoo Gods created Brahmins just to rape their wives ! The best practice model was that the Brahmin used to meditate in the forests and be celibates - inspite of having beautiful wives !

    The vile of the Brahmin was that he used his wife as bait to tempt the Gods to rape his wife - and then cursed the Gods - with a pardon contingent upon on a boon of writing some scriptures and limited morrtality !

    Is there more evil in this cosmos ? The Empirical and Theological proof is given below :

    Sage Atri - As Shiva,Indra and Vishnu , "raped his wife Anasuya"
    Sage Gautama - As Indra "raped his wife Ahilya", by stealth he said the following from the Skanda PuranaV.iii.136.2-16
    O beautiful la dy of uncensured features, resort to me, the king of Devas, "Sport about with me".
    What will you do with this Brahmana "who has become lean and emaciated", due to his "over- zealousness for purity and conventional rites and austerities" and Vedic studies
    Lord Rama's father - His wife had "sex with a horse and 11 Brahmins", to make Lord Rama
    Lord Rama's Story - "Vishnu raped Tulsi/Vrinda", as her husband , was a Brahmin - then the "whore cursed Vishnu" to be "born as Rama" and have "his wife raped by Ravana" - all "due to the impotentica of 1 Brahmin"
    What did the Aswins say before they raped the Brahmin Sukanya
    Mahabharata 3.123
    "O divinely beautiful damsel, do thou, forsaking Chyavana accept one of us for husband. It behoveth thee not to spend thy youth fruitlessly…”
    Ved Vyas ,who wrote the Mahabharata, was the "bastard son", of Rishi Parashar and Satyawa
    As per the Harivamsa Purana,Sage Vashishtha’s daughter , Shatrupa had sexual relations with Daddy Cool

    It is the cosmic wheel of providence as nothing can happen which Allah does not will


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