The tyranny of Pakistan in POK

People protesting in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
People of POK protesting against Pakistan 
Pakistan is one of the biggest hypocrite nations in this world. It is a nation which is a oppressor and liberator at the same time. Through the means of armed insurgency and propaganda they are making an image for themselves that they are benevolent liberators of Kashmir giving them tools to break the shackles and be free from India but never give the people of their side to vote. Their are human right violations on both side of the borders but they have never even admitted this fact. It is a country who supports the view of Kashmir but kills the Kashmiriyat. Moreover, most of the human right associations reports are baffling because they say that the atrocities in Indian side Kashmir is much higher but on to contrary the people of POK has does not even right to vote and on other side people can vote, they have proper democracy and much higher economic growth so it beyond the scope of logic that how can be Indian army inflicting atrocities and then also Indian Kashmir have much higher development then in POK (here is page on the details of comparison of POK and Kashmir Comparison of POK and Kashmir).
A person casting vote in elections 
Their was so called elections in POK for the legislative assembly which was again illegal. When the ruler of the state signed the instrument of ascension; it is for the whole state so explicitly how they have created a duplicate government in the POK. The elections in POK are recently held on july 21 2016 and this was a total wreck. The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz has won the election. The party is lead by the current prime minister of Pakistan that is Mr. Nawaz Sharif. These elections are totally rigged and massive protests erupted on POK on 27th of July, on the day of declaration of results. The Pakistani flag was burnt in the city in wake of these elections. According to the first post article, (here is the link to the article PoK: Locals, political parties allege 21 July polls were rigged, hold massive protests) The Pakistan Human Rights Group has slammed the elections following with confirmation of use of muscle power and money to swing the results in favour of PML-N. So Pakistan should liberate Kashmir but on their own side and free from its occupation. The Pakistan is main culprit of massive killings because it is he who is not evacuating Kashmir and continuously oppressing them. He has blood of Kashmiri on its own hands.


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