The grave insight in Indian education system

The Indian education system is in tumultuous times. The Indian education system is becoming a business now these days. There are few great colleges and universities in India but is this justifiable that the student able to reach in these universities and colleges will have the right to better future. Also figuratively is this possible that every student who wants better carrier have to be admitted in these institutions. It is not possible that everybody study in select few colleges in such a vast India. I have to gravely admit that in a blog which is only meant for jammu and Kashmir has to comment on the deteriorating condition of the Indian education system. 
Example of Indian classrooms
The state of Indian classrooms is somewhat same
The classes are more like marriage halls where more than 100 students are ‘studying’. Is it even possible by the teachers even to grasp attention of such a huge crowd. No matter what happens to the students these factories process children and hand them out degrees. Even if students feel suffocated or claustrophobic they keep on adding students. I must admit due to these situations even teachers started ignoring the students. The classrooms are of limited sizes and they should not be crowded places. I think it is the time for the Indian parliament to interfere in this matter. It is long overdue that Indian government has stepped into this matter. There should be a fixed amount of students in a classroom at any level. The government of India should designate the appropriate licenses to institutions after rigorous checking. This is also one of the major fact that in this nation label system should end. Their should be an uniform system of recruitment should take place. This is a thing in which major developed nations has achieved. A student from ivy league institution deserve same chance as any other institution to have a job. The government has taken serious step in clamp down against sub standard institutions in India which is a remarkable step in the Indian history. The classrooms are a place for studying and there should be no more than 30 to 40 students and then only they can study and grasp what the teacher is saying. Also it will help the teachers to be more focused in educating and not just speaking. This article is also a salute to all the teachers who is training the next generation of nation builders. If the system is going on like that then the upcoming job force will be inefficient as they do not have sufficient skills require to perform their duties. So our nation has to endeavour to form a educational system which provides quality education from nursery to university. Government also need to specify guidelines such as number of students in a classroom and uniform job opportunities for every student and their are tantamount number of possibilities of change and the change will be good for everybody.


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