SItuation of Kashmir with Imran Khan as President

The new PM of Pakistan; Imran Khan
The new Prime minister Of Pakistan
Every President and prime minister of the Pakistan who had survived the Pakistani politics has talked about Kashmir conflict and issues. They give an extremely biased review of how Indians distorted peace and democracy in Kashmir and how our army has led Kashmir to decades of bloodshed. It has become a tendency of the Pakistani politics to be have a tunnel view to the world views. They never been able to tell the real story and the same is true for this president also. The Pakistani politicians have been using Kashmir to bind the nation in times of political crisis. Whenever there are massacres in Balochistan or anywhere in the country, at that time only they have been using Kashmir to join political sentiment of the nation and generating euphoric vibes in the country for the support of a ruling military general or the government. They are not resolving Kashmir because they have been using this issue as their golden duck. It will hardly any surprising that actually Pakistan holds the key to resolving the conflict. Actually the first condition of the plebiscite is that the Pakistan demilitarize POK and the referendum occur in both sides of the Kashmir. The referendum is not only in India but in POK also as to live in India or pakistan or be completely independent. Now onto the Imran Khan; he is a well renowned Pakistani cricketer and he helped the team to lift the cup in 1992.

Imran Khan Lifts the world cup
A great sports person and he is also a flamboyant personality with gazillion marriages. The Pakistani politics has largely dominated by the military of Pakistan. Most of the opposition parties has accused Imran Khan of not begin elected but instead selected by the army. Imran has started its political carrier in 1996 with the formation Tehreek-e-Insaf after he retired from international cricket in 1992 and has been since doing philanthropy in Pakistan. He has opened a cancer hospital in Pakistan which remains as of today the only cancer hospital in the entire nation. The election campaign of Imran khan is solely based on one thing that the rampant corruption in the politics of Pakistan. He has won the popular mandate of the voters in 2018(kind of!!!) and he is now the prime minister of Pakistan. The most absurd thing in his inaugural speech is that, how he talks about Kashmir issue. As a sports personality he should have shown some kind of respect and a certain amount of knowledge before even uttering a word or he was handed a script by Pakistani military. The relationship between india and Pakistan can be great because Imran Khan has been a great person through his philanthropy. If he act independently without any influence then he will be a boon to India. Pakistan can leave the proxy war going on in Kashmir and they can hang the terrorist like Hafiz Saeed. They can demilitarize POK and conduct free and fair plebiscite in both areas and without influence from India or Pakistan. Maybe india and Pakistan can go on the road of unification but it is all fantasy because if Imran Khan is just a puppet in the military regime of Pakistan, then the upcoming days will be pretty rough. The infiltration from the borders will increase and Pakistan will escalate the anti India operations. The relationships between India and Pakistan spiral downwards. In last all the things mentioned above boils down to one point that if Imran Khan rules as he wants then unimpeachable good day's will come for both the nation's but if army is actually ruling with Imran Khan's face then the days of abasement is here for India and Pakistan


  1. In retrospect,there is 1 evidence of the genius of Jinnah, which is providentially proven by the Hindoo Nazis.

    Jinnah – is the only sentient,ever,who sensed the evil of the Hindoo and the Indian vermin, and placed it on documentary record.This is inspite of the fact, that he was surrounded by Hindoo liberals and philosophers,and so called liberals.He saw through the mist, for 100 years into the future.

    He saw that Nehru and Gandhi would die and be killed soon and the nation of the Hindoos,would be overrun by the Hindoo Nazis,as it was, in 2014.The Dialectics of History !

    It is a simple deconstructed fact of history.The largest extermination in Human history was that of the Buddhists and Buddhism – by the Hindoos,and the philosophy of the Hindoo Pope – Adi Shankara and his litter of impotenticas .And Jinnah read history.

    The dubious “Indian Muslims” who are basically the lower caste Hindoos,who converted,are numb nuts and dumb shits (still enslaved to upper caste Hindoos) – who believed the secular nation theory,and the bunk of the Ganga-Jamuna-Saraswati Culture ! There are 200 million of these dumb shits ! It is no wonder that these numb nuts did not create a new Pakistan or join Pakistan !

    They are lower caste Hindus who tolerated Hindoo evil for 5000 years – with not a single record of insurrection !

    Those who left India in 1947 – did not have the “Indian DNA” – they were not the lower caste hindoos who converted to Islam

    Even the Prophet of Islam,did not sense the evil of the Hindoo vermin – although there were several Hindoo vermin, in Mecca,then.The Prophet is supposed to have made statements on the cool winds of Hind and the Prophet-hood of Krishna – which are dubious and meaningless Hadeeths.The Hindoo vermin say that Ramadan is Rama-adan and the “Indian Muslims” say that Rama is a Imam ! This is the Harry Potter tale !

    Ghazwa-E-Hind is a prophecy of eventuality (like those of Nostradamus) – not a statement of evil !dindooohindoo

    Do these “Indian Muslims” deserve doom ? After 80 years of cinderella and Harry Potter tales,the dubious “Indian Muslims” still do not get it ! These fools believe in the Hindoo Constitution and Judiciary !

    And Jinnah saw it in 1930-47 ! The man from London ! There was another genius from London – called – Churchill – who said “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.”

    There is something about London – the air,weather,wine and women !

    And Jinnah’s example,is w/o any peer in human history – wherein, a warrior,king or saint has made a nation by extricating itself from the pits of evil,sensing evil and documenting evil,and then,being proven right,in a span of 80 years.

    Jinnah – the genius – the man’s trajectory from wine,pork,cigars,pipes and women to the Qaid !

    This is E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N !

    The 1 flaw in Jinnah – minutae of intellectual discrimination ! Never eat from the hands of a Kaffir or allow the human body to be touched by a kaffir ! He was poisoned by a Hindoo – just like the Prophet was poisoned by a Jew-ess ! dindooohindoo


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