Opinions regarding ramdan ceasefire in Kashmir

Shujaat Bukhari
The biggest loss in Kashmir during the ceasefire.
The ramadan ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir is one of the biggest blunders in history of the state. The ceasefire for militants is like giving them opportunity to conduct terrorist operations and now without the intervention of the armed forces. This is a phase in Kashmir which brought so much damage to the state that it is incomprehensible. If the militants has no religion then why do ceasefire because they are ultimately going to hurt the Muslims only. The thing is if armed forces wanted to have peace in holy month then they should have provide leniency in their operations and do not let the masjids be the command centre of these terrorists but a place of worship where people can offer their prayers

Home minister of India discussing ceasefire with state chief minister
The killing of a great personality Mr.Shujaat Bukhari (you can read here about him Shujaat bukhari ) in broad daylight is one of the biggest losses in the valley. The impunity given to those during the ceasefire is a failure from the policy makers. The elicit reaction from the terrorists is that they throw a grenade in Jammu ;after 13 years this kind of attack happened in Jammu. The irony is that those who wants to pray peacefully in ramadan are throwing grenades in Kashmir. If the separatist groups say that let us pray for one month is it not that in turn you are giving stones in hands of youth. This is a question that if these people want to pray why such a great man was killed cold bloodily. The ramadan ceasefire is a total failure from the central government as well as state government.


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