Why Pakistan needs Kashmir so desperately

The hunza valley a heaven on earth
Turned to hell by Pakistan diplomats
The Kashmir is not always disputed. In my earlier discussion in which I have written about Kashmir issue in this article The Kashmir issue. The first azadi politicians advocate for the self rule of Kashmir. They want independence from maharajah but the thing is under maharajah ji state was always in good condition. As India moves towards independence the politicians of Kashmir Muslim conference later renamed to national conference starts calling for referendum which is unconstitutional as according to U.N a referendum can only take place when there is no occupying force. Pakistan needs Kashmir for their economic resources, to have better trade routes with china and to satisfy their ego.
People protesting against Pakistan army for treatment of balochi people
Pakistan attacked and occupied the Gilgit-Baltisan area and after that these politicians of Pakistan always believed that due to majority Muslim community Kashmir belongs to Pakistan but it is always been of India and it was given by maharajah ji to India so their whole belief is false. This is the biggest flaw of Pakistan that on one side it is a liberator and on other a oppressor in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Constant oppression of Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan because these states want development and economic growth and want to be independent balochis and Indian Kashmir from pok. They do not fulfil their demands because it hits their ego and economy which is already very slim. They support Taliban in Afghanistan and oppress their own people and think that we stole independence of Kashmir. This is the reason why the Pakistani always wanted Kashmir. I want to admit that on Indian side of Kashmir there are many wrongdoings which will be discussed in next post but we do have build roads and given the Kashmir a vital infrastructure. Today their is stark difference between pok and Kashmir in terms of economy, civil rights and tourism which is long shut in pok.


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