The impact of governor rule on Jammu and Kasmir

Current governor of Jammu and Kashmir N.N Vohra
The sudden governor rule on Jammu and Kashmir is due to the reason that B.J.P and P.D.P government falls prematurely as B.J.P withdrew from coalition. In context with present conditions of valley this is boon and bane situation for the state. Their are still many horrors in the minds of Kashmiri pundits from 1992 when their was exodus from the valley of pundits. This time and that time their are only two things similar that is their was terrorism on the rise and their was governor rule imposed on the state.Their are also two things different now; the governor is  Jagmohan malhotra and now it is N.N Vohra and that time valley has kashmiri Pundits and now only the hollow memories are left. The positive of this move can be that the security of the Kashmir valley can improve. The central government of India has now zero resistance and can conduct any army operations inside of their territory or outside.
Kheer bhawani temple

The other side of coin is that the state is now in vulnerable condition. Whenever their is lack of government or political the state is torn apart between political rivalry and army operations is negatively effected in the valley. To give example; In order to undermine his political rival Farooq Abdullah who at that time was the Chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, the Minister of Home Affairs Mufti Mohammad Sayeed convinced Prime Minister V.P. Singh to appoint Jagmohan as the governor of the state. Abdullah resented Jagmohan who had been appointed as the governor earlier in April 1984 as well and had recommended Abdullah's dismissal to Rajiv Gandhi in July 1984. Mufti was convinced that such a move will irritate Abdullah and make him quit. Abdullah had earlier declared that he would resign if Jagmohan was made the Governor. However, the Central government went ahead and appointed him as Governor on 19 January 1990. In response, Abdullah resigned on the same day and Jagmohan suggested the dissolution of the State Assembly. On 21 January 1990, two days after Jagmohan took over as governor, the Gawkadal massacre took place in Srinagar, in which the Indian security forces had opened fire on protesters, leading to the death of at least 50 people, and likely over 100. These events led to chaos. Lawlessness took over the valley and the crowd with slogans and guns started roaming around the streets. News kept coming of violent incidents and those Hindus who survived the night saved their lives by traveling out of the valley. The rule by decree policy in the state has always disastrous but it is now the need of the time because of deteriorating security conditions in Kashmir. The muscular policy is to implemented as these protesters are not protesters but a faction of people who are protecting terrorist. So in my opinion this move will improve situation in Kashmir


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